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      Karnak the Brilliant


Yep! Dolphins give each other names.



According to a 2013 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, bottlenose dolphins each have their own special whistles, which are just like human names. "Bottlenose dolphins develop their own unique identity signal, the signature whistle," the researchers reported. "This whistle encodes individual identity independently of voice features. The copying of signature whistles may therefore allow animals to label or address one another."


dolphins swimming through school of fish amazing dolphin photos


(Hooray for the change in music. Thanks, Karnak!)


Video Starts Here




Just click on 40s & 50s TV COMMERCIALS for the most recent addition:

Oct. 12     "Kellogg's Flying Superman"

I've just posted the final two pages of the Riverview topic: "The Closing" and "Looking Back." I think you'll enjoy both as they are an attempt to explain how the popular amusement park came to a close and also what its presence meant to Chicagoans.

To find the new pages, please go to the bottom of the list of topics on the left of this HOME PAGE. Click on CHICAGO'S RIVERVIEW, and choose any of the pages from the fly menu. Please enjoy!

CJ Martello's August, 2024 coloum "Summer Memories'
," is now a part of our PETAL'S FROM ROSELAND page. Go to the topic ROSELAND in the list to the left of this HOME PAGE. Choose Petals , , , from the flyout menu, and you'll find his latest entry. Or copy and paste the following link: https://www.fengerjune1958.com/PetalsfromRoseland..htm



We didn't have the "computer advantage" when we were growing up so many of us are a little timid when approaching this newfangled contraption. With that in mind, a new forum section entitled "All You Need to Know But Are too Shy to Ask" has been created.

The new feature has directions for many of the skills needed to take full advantage of our web site. It even explains how to print those directions so you can have them in front of you as you navigate into new territory.

A second feature explains exactly how to obtain additional help with any problem which may come up. It's really simple: just email me, as site administrator; and I'll get the answer straight from the experts at Class Creator.

 So now, with a little bit of determination, you can fully explore the site, send emails, reply to survey questions, comment in forums, and load pictures. Just click on the link below.


Please register and choose a password so you can explore the complete site we have created. It's filled with classmates' memories, pictures, updates, information on the Fifties, and more.

So, welcome to the World of Fenger - June 1958!