Edit/Upload & Delete Photos
Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 02:29 PM

On the left side of our web site is a black column with a green header entitled MEMBER FUNCTIONS. It is directly under the Survey and Page topics.

An explanation of the topic, EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS, follows along with information on how to delete photos from your profile:

To add photos to your profile you must be able to locate exactly where the picture is on your computer. Most of the time it will be in the folder titled MY PICTURES.

To UPLOAD a photo:

1. Choose EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS under MEMBER FUNCTIONS from the left column.

2. The page which comes up contains all the photos on your Profile Page. Choose UPLOAD NEW PHOTO

3. Next choose ADD FILES. This is where you must be able to find the file containing the picture you want to add to the profile page.

4. Find the photo and click on it, which will highlight it.

5. Choose UPLOAD FILE, and it will appear on your page.

To DELETE a photo:

1. Choose EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS under MEMBER FUNCTIONS from the left column; and, as before, all the photos on your profile page will be displayed.

2. Choose DELETE on top of the picture(s) you wish to zap. The background for the entire area will turn red.

3. Choose SAVE ALL CHANGES. A pop up box will ask if you're really sure you want to delete photos. If you are sure, proceed to step 5.

4. Click "OK" and the photo(s) will be removed from your Profile Page. (It will, however, remain on your computer.)