Profile Subscriptions
Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 09:08 PM

On the left side of our web site is a black column with a green header entitled MEMBER FUNCTIONS. It is directly under the Survey and Page topics.

An explanation of the topic, PROFILE SUBSCRIPTIONS, follows:

Profile Subscriptions is a feature that sends you an email anytime a classmate adds new, or changes, information on his, or her, Profile Page. This is the easy way to keep up with your classmates. To do so:

1. Click on PROFILE SUBSCRIPTIONS and a list of all classmates and guests will appear. Next to each name is a box.

2. Click on the box, or boxes, of those you wish a subscription. Their name(s) will appear in the area to the right of the original list.

3. There is no need to save anything; you now have all the subscriptions you desire. Go on to another page by clicking another topic.